Monday, October 11, 2021



I have contemplated Gratitude a lot because there have been a variety of seemingly innocent attitudes in me that conspired against it; perfectionism, unreasonable expectations of others, and my inner child's heart that had been broken too deeply and to often to readily recognize what had been truly fortunate...... about the way I grew up. Eventhough it takes some time for a “Gratitude Practice," with any depth... to take hold...the idea that being grateful was good, first hit my radar screen in a meaningful way in my early 20ies.  This happened when I started a program of recovery in Al-Anon, attending Unity Church, and studying metaphysics. Since then many moments of quiet contemplation and mantra recitation have opened me to connecting with gratitude in a way that goes beyond your typical lists or obligatory thank you’s.

These days folks like to try to whip up gratitude, to heighten their frequency and magnify their manifesting mojo (which serves a purpose of refocusing their  intention - but is not really the same as the naturally or spontaneously occurring appreciation in a flow that feels more akin to grace.) I can deliberately think about what I ought to be grateful for like "count my blessings," and that does put "things in perspective,” but what really fuels or CREATES gratitude is when I deeply APPRECIATE an experience of living.  Most often this APPRECIATION comes in through my 5 standard senses, or sometimes through my “spidey senses,”  and merges with a recognition of what is rare, exceptional or precious that comes with age and a little bit of garnered wisdom. 

So if you are wondering about SCOBY it’s the:

(commonly used acronym for "symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast", and is formed after the completion of a unique fermentation process of lactic acid bacteria, acetic acid bacteria, and yeast to form several sour foods and beverages such as kombucha and kimchi. Wikipedia)

So do what you can to enjoy and appreciate your life, and there you will find your SCOBY for GRATITUDE!    Peace - N - Happy 

Thursday, October 7, 2021



If you are a Sensitive, Empath, Seer, or Healer you may find communing with your

INNER EMPEROR a challenge after spiritual emergence or increased opening of clairs -

Once 4 of my clairs opened widely, (with as needed or infinite intelligence guided mediumship)  I found it challenging to both be “sensing in” to deep states of open awareness and meditation,

at the same time or within close proximity in be able to plan and implement strategies

for work

or even some linear sequential task management in my personal life. 

Thank goodness once I “identified” what was happening I started to bring back a more conscious and

deliberate type of MASCULINE energy

into my life that comes from a heart’s desire to express in the word from a place of loving

kindness and strength.

I’m comparing this type of masculine energy to what had come before the decades of meditative

practices and healing and intuitive opening….

The prior masculine energy had been driven to a larger extent, from a “need basis” rather than from a

place of abundance, from family expectations rather than personal satisfaction and from social convention rather than creative inspiration.

I’m finding my new activities of Masculine Energy are asking to match the FREQUENCY that my


as resonant for me and others at this time of increased consciousness and awakening for those that

have heard the call. 

Just as the Evolved Masculine is is balanced or guided skillfully to act with the appropriate

amount of force and in correct ways -

The Evolved Feminine benefits from the decisiveness and power of the EMPEROR .

Once it became clear to me that I needed to re-integrate some YANG or MASCULINE energy into my

apparently (Sea Mermaid or sometimes Sea Siren like life...

.exploring the unsea life of the DIVINE FEMININE” I found a need to create balance by focusing quite a lot of time and energy in preparing to reactivate the EMPEROR energy by:

  • Setting clear goals for how to better structure my business activities & take care of my health

  • Clearing out a lot of past energy by letting go of objects that were out of alignment with my goals 

  • Rearranging my live - work space to facilitate those goals

  • Designing personal time & activity management systems that are tailored to me 

If you are Sensitive, Empath, Seer, or Healer looking to up your game MINDFULLY -


727 - 678 - 3761

Monday, February 25, 2019

Today I'd like to share that sometimes Mindfulness in the moment is only possible when we have the courage to engage in deep listening to the longings of our soul or spirit and to courageously let go of activities that cause us stress or strain. I have recently fallen "again" on the left knee I just had treated with a PRP injection. Granted I was still 1/2 asleep when it happened, my "bladder challenged" older cat was calling to go out; when I fell off of my hip high canopy bed directly onto my knees, attempting to assure he "got out" in time! I have asked myself repeatedly...what is UP Metaphysically with this KNEE Business. There are a variety of answers coming in from my metaphysical and self actualizer friends... locally well known spiritual healer says..left knee for me; moving forward, yesterday I heard left knee represents higher self, another person said there was a lot of energy around the knee, and had I conversed with it to find out what it was experiencing, rather than offering any esoteric interpretation another friend into "Nature Wisdom" said u just need to be more MINDFUL. A few months ago I even had a past life regression to see if knee had been a problem in past lives.... just so happened it turned out that it had...(decent amount of relief after, but not cured). As a Virgo with lots of places for data and activity to locate in my multi faceted mind...the one thing I am sure that I truly need to protect my quiet time and how densely I schedule myself. Sometimes even with MINDFULNESS as a primary focus in my life....the COMPASSION aspect of AWARENESS falls prey to BUSINESS. This I think is particularly true of WOMEN: as we continue to carry most of the home & hearth responsibilities...sitting practice, time in nature or just hanging with friends is so easily edged out by: animal care, shopping, cooking, and cleaning even when our children are practically grown..the habits that shape the rhythms of our lives take time to re-pattern themselves. I for one am REALLY EXCITED and READY FOR: sticking to boundaries around time and space to deeply connect with my inner voice and the expression of the creativity it inspires! I am excited to be sharing this shift in my life with you... and if you have benefited from my posts, or received a reading or ThetaHealing session that you feel good about, please share my page, because the best of me is yet to come!

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Exploring the Divine Feminine/YIN & Masculine/YANG as Individuals & Universally 

Fine tuning your own naturally divine masculine and feminine energies can increase your vitality and bring more harmony into your life, your community, the planet and the universe!  If you wish to study esoteric arts for catalyzing these “kundalini” energies, you certainly can. However, I believe these energies have their own intelligence, and if treated with some degree of respect will skillfully express themselves in a way that is unique to your life, maximizing your joy and minimizing your challenges. 

When I first started to develop a valuable understanding of the premise of yin and yang, or an understanding of the “Divine Feminine & Masculine,” I was living in a Buddhist Center. One of my housemates had lived in China where he studied Chinese Medicine. Inquiries to him about my health actually paved my way into figuring out a “whole” new thinking style for balance and synergy.  I would ask health related questions about how specific foods might cause this or lead to that. I'd anticipate a Western diagnostic response confirming THIS would definitely lead to THAT!  Instead, the responses I heard sounded more like “YES /AND”.... meaning “the answer” ultimately had something to do with synergy and dynamic equilibrium, rather than one simply defined cause and effect.

Starting out I was frustrated by these answers but gradually became curious... I started to see that my thinking was linear, sequential and often black and white. Even though I was raised pretty much secularly with humanistic tendencies, I started to realize my way of “seeing” had been seriously influenced by some of the less evolved aspects of the predominant Judeo Christian culture. I was in the habit of thinking in a dualistic way; good or bad, above and below, yes or no..leaning toward judgment rather than discerning.  As I stretched to get my mind around a YES, AND way of thinking instead of THIS or THAT...the book the “Web That Has No Weaver,” by Ted Kaptchuck was recommended to me.  What I read encouraged me to see “causality” as a having multiple points connected by invisible energies or flows. I was being asked to step away from a culture driven by the idea of the existence of a single point of creation.  

As time passed I started looking more closely at the relationships between “things” as much as the “things” or ideas themselves... my ability to “see” in a more balanced and dynamic way started to grow! I was naturally more able to guide or work with the masculine and feminine energies within myself. When we think of the flow of electricity we know that the unseen force moves between a pole that is referred to as positive and another that is referred to as negative.  Positive and negative are simply a description of a certain direction of energy, they are not meant to be seen in a framework of good or bad.  Each person is naturally able to access both feminine and masculine energy. Surely, accepting what each energy offers to our ever present divine nature is an excellent start in allowing them to serve us on our path to full realization.

Yin or Feminine Energy can be associated with: 
Resting, relaxation, receiving, waiting, stillness, acceptance, qualitative measurement, circular or curved forms, inward turning energy, left side of the body, moisture, slowness

Yang or Masculine Energy can be associated with:
Action, movement, quantitative measurement, linear, outward moving energy, right side of the body, hardness, fire, dryness  

(Plenty more of this easily referenced by google

When asked to write this article I quickly jumped to the “explanation” that most folks in the U.S., (and some other folks even in traditionally Eastern cultures) have lost sight of the need for, or how to  practice a dynamic equilibrium between Yin & Yang energies. Many people worldwide have been hypnotized into infatuation with YANG energy.  To some extent I credit “Madison Avenue” with this accomplishment, but ultimately unaddressed spiritual ignorance fuels this flame. This MORE culture often supports the good of the few at the cost of the many. As individuals we are trying to live in this predominant culture, but often are not sure how to stay balanced under the pressures it presents. 

We suffer from adrenal fatigue/exhaustion and other imbalances that stem from the MORE, or out of balance toward YANG culture! As individuals our natural need for balance often finds us turning to apparently expedient ways to feel the balance of we go for sugar and alcohol. What we really need is more meditation and less medication. Less screen time and more serene time. YANG energy taken to an extreme has resulted in a definition of “progress” or success that is often short sighted and ultimately destructive in individual lives and to the planet as a whole. Over working, over developing natural habitats, over producing goods, all without regard for the longterm consequences on the quality of individual and collective life.

During the past few years many consciousness focused folks have come into the understanding that it is time for the DIVINE FEMININE to gain back dominion. There is a critical need to prioritize the balance between humans, animals and plants, the very eco-system upon which all life depends over what used to be called “progress,” on planet EARTH.  This shift has been indicated in many wisdom traditions and is underway; being ushered in through a variety of disturbing appearances, political change makers and many spiritual or ritual practices. By paying attention to what our inner voice tells us we need to be doing with our life mission in any given moment: rest, healthy food, affection, creative expression, exercise or quiet time, etc. We support our higher self’s ability to arrange our internal Divine Masculine & Feminine energies in ways that are life catalyzing for all! You are fully capable of tuning in to the wisdom contained in your DIVINE Masculine & Feminine energies, moment by moment.  All the best to you, in your practice! 

Kristin Geeslin, M.S.

Kristin is a Clair-activated Consultant & WorkLife Coach with 3 decades of experience offering catalytic or stabilizing energy to people and organizations planning their future or in transition.  As a long time practitioner of meditation, she enjoys sharing mindfulness and intuitive awareness. She offers individual consultations and workshops as well as presentations for business or service groups.

Certified in: ThetaHealing (Transformational Belief Change Sessions)
                    Voyager Card Deck (Intuitive Readings w/Clairs) 
                    PREP Relationship Education (Coaching)
                    Workforce Development (Consulting & Coaching)

Friday, February 17, 2012

Sullivan County Non-Profit Summitt

Meaning More Than Meets The Eye                   

Working with the women on the Sullivan Non-profit Summit Committee affirms my confidence that a group of caring and competent individuals, focused on making a difference, can be successful even under difficult circumstances.

Most members of the committee are juggling many responsibilities in organizations that have been impacted by current economic constraints. Even so, they choose for the good of the local and regional non-profit organizations, to find time to make the summit happen.

During planning and coordination of the summit, the members of the group have shared various points of view, expanding everyone’s understanding of the challenges currently facing the non-profit sector, as well as increasing ideas and insight for how to address those challenges.

An event of this size and caliber certainly has its share of presenting challenges.  It is easy to speak about collaboration and innovation, but not always so easy to implement. It takes a certain tolerance for divergent thinking to be able to accept what others value and why.

Any creative endeavor presents points of tension or discouragement; the very existence of this summit speaks to the genuine and persistent effort of committee members; meeting by meeting, call by call, e-mail by e-mail, tasks and "to dos"…to fulfill the mission.

I am so pleased to be able to work with professionals that have come to a place where they understand that the good of the whole really does support the good of the one. By sharing the sum of all our specialized, knowledge, skills and competencies, and trusting the process, this year’s Sullivan County Non-Profit Summit has taken shape.

The work this year has heightened the committee’s awareness in the following ways:
  • The challenges of Sullivan County are common to many other rural areas and summits similar to our own might possibly benefit those areas
  • The importance of the long game has become even more apparent, in order to realize all that is hoped for…in Sullivan County and other counties like our own… the Sullivan County Non–Profit Summit will continue in future years         
I am very proud and grateful to have participated in this start-up as a member of the 2011 and 2012 Non-Profit planning committees. I look forward to ongoing participation in efforts to enhance leadership, collaboration and innovation in Sullivan County and regional non-profit development. 
Sullivan County Non-Profit Summit Information & Registration
The committee welcomes participation and support from sponsors and volunteers for the 2013 Sullivan County Non-Profit Summit.

Kristin Geeslin/Work Life Synergy,  
Catalyzing Individual & Organizational Development