Monday, October 11, 2021



I have contemplated Gratitude a lot because there have been a variety of seemingly innocent attitudes in me that conspired against it; perfectionism, unreasonable expectations of others, and my inner child's heart that had been broken too deeply and to often to readily recognize what had been truly fortunate...... about the way I grew up. Eventhough it takes some time for a “Gratitude Practice," with any depth... to take hold...the idea that being grateful was good, first hit my radar screen in a meaningful way in my early 20ies.  This happened when I started a program of recovery in Al-Anon, attending Unity Church, and studying metaphysics. Since then many moments of quiet contemplation and mantra recitation have opened me to connecting with gratitude in a way that goes beyond your typical lists or obligatory thank you’s.

These days folks like to try to whip up gratitude, to heighten their frequency and magnify their manifesting mojo (which serves a purpose of refocusing their  intention - but is not really the same as the naturally or spontaneously occurring appreciation in a flow that feels more akin to grace.) I can deliberately think about what I ought to be grateful for like "count my blessings," and that does put "things in perspective,” but what really fuels or CREATES gratitude is when I deeply APPRECIATE an experience of living.  Most often this APPRECIATION comes in through my 5 standard senses, or sometimes through my “spidey senses,”  and merges with a recognition of what is rare, exceptional or precious that comes with age and a little bit of garnered wisdom. 

So if you are wondering about SCOBY it’s the:

(commonly used acronym for "symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast", and is formed after the completion of a unique fermentation process of lactic acid bacteria, acetic acid bacteria, and yeast to form several sour foods and beverages such as kombucha and kimchi. Wikipedia)

So do what you can to enjoy and appreciate your life, and there you will find your SCOBY for GRATITUDE!    Peace - N - Happy 

Thursday, October 7, 2021



If you are a Sensitive, Empath, Seer, or Healer you may find communing with your

INNER EMPEROR a challenge after spiritual emergence or increased opening of clairs -

Once 4 of my clairs opened widely, (with as needed or infinite intelligence guided mediumship)  I found it challenging to both be “sensing in” to deep states of open awareness and meditation,

at the same time or within close proximity in be able to plan and implement strategies

for work

or even some linear sequential task management in my personal life. 

Thank goodness once I “identified” what was happening I started to bring back a more conscious and

deliberate type of MASCULINE energy

into my life that comes from a heart’s desire to express in the word from a place of loving

kindness and strength.

I’m comparing this type of masculine energy to what had come before the decades of meditative

practices and healing and intuitive opening….

The prior masculine energy had been driven to a larger extent, from a “need basis” rather than from a

place of abundance, from family expectations rather than personal satisfaction and from social convention rather than creative inspiration.

I’m finding my new activities of Masculine Energy are asking to match the FREQUENCY that my


as resonant for me and others at this time of increased consciousness and awakening for those that

have heard the call. 

Just as the Evolved Masculine is is balanced or guided skillfully to act with the appropriate

amount of force and in correct ways -

The Evolved Feminine benefits from the decisiveness and power of the EMPEROR .

Once it became clear to me that I needed to re-integrate some YANG or MASCULINE energy into my

apparently (Sea Mermaid or sometimes Sea Siren like life...

.exploring the unsea life of the DIVINE FEMININE” I found a need to create balance by focusing quite a lot of time and energy in preparing to reactivate the EMPEROR energy by:

  • Setting clear goals for how to better structure my business activities & take care of my health

  • Clearing out a lot of past energy by letting go of objects that were out of alignment with my goals 

  • Rearranging my live - work space to facilitate those goals

  • Designing personal time & activity management systems that are tailored to me 

If you are Sensitive, Empath, Seer, or Healer looking to up your game MINDFULLY -


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