
Training & Development Received

Mentoring Informal Learning
 Group Dynamics & Collaboration             
 Andrea Henning /Allison Barlow

 Sales & Network Marketing
 Penny Jackson/Donna Doyle

 Facilitating Board Retreats
  Pamela Skyrme                                                        
 Funding Development & Foundations
 Sullivan County Non-Profit Summit
 Social Media 
 Sherwood Martinelli   
Conferences, Training Sessions & Workshops

Sullivan County Agriculture Summit 2012
It Takes A Region 2010
18th Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Working Group Conference & Annual Meeting, NEWSAG

Management and Organizational Development
Sullivan County Non-Profit Summit - Sullivan County Non-Profit Summit Committee (5 hrs.)
Bethel, N.Y.

Organizational Development Network  (Accountability, Diversity, Enneagram etc.) (40 hrs.)
Tampa, FL

Change Management and Cultural Diversity - Pinellas County Juvenile Welfare Board (3 hrs.)
Pinellas Park, FL

Center Management Training - Pinellas County License Board - Pinellas Park, FL (3 hrs.)

Best in the West Organizational Development Conference - Syntex Conference Center (8hrs.)
Palo Alto, CA
Operation Enterprise/American Management Association - Eckerd College (50 hrs.)
St. Petersburg, FL
Workforce & Career Development
N.Y.  State Workforce Development Conference, New York State Association of Training and Employment Proffessionals  NYATEP
Albany, N.Y.

Identifying and Retaining Top Performers (1.5 hrs)
Katie L. Kato SPHR, The Human Resources Factor LLC, Clearwater, FL
Employability Strategy Presentations - (Career Outplacement) (6 hrs.)
Chuck Kilbride  Drake Beam Morin, Tampa, FL
Florida Statewide Workforce Development Conference - Marriott Harbourside - Tampa, Florida
30th Annual Head Start Training Conference, National Head Start Association - N.Y. N.Y
Florida Workforce Professional Certification - University of Miami/Learning Link - Miami, FL
Policy Training on: Sanctions, Welfare Transition and Two Parent Families, Child Care Assistance, Transitional Benefits, Relocation, Hardship Extensions, Customer Service, Diversity, Job-Keeping Skills, General Helping Skills, Teen Parents    
Human Services

Professional Guardian Training, St. Petersburg College (40 hrs)
Various Stand Alone Training Sessions in topics such as:
OSHA Fire Safety & First Aid, Stress Management, Customer Service, Violence In the Workplace, Domestic Violence, Tolerance, Sexual Harassment, Disability In The Workplace, HIV/Aids Update, Identification, Recognition and Reporting of Child Abuse and Maltreatment, etc. (typically 3 hrs. each)
"Strengthening Communities, Ending Sexual Violence" (16.5 hrs.)
2006 Florida Council Against Sexual Violence Annual Conference FCASV
Problematic Sexual Behaviors in Children: Response & Recovery
Mary Jo Monahan, LCSW - Family Service Centers - Clearwater, FL
The 21st Century Urban Community: Its Social Role In Helping At-Risk Youth (3 hrs.)
William Clyburn, Ph.D - Juvenile Welfare Board - Pinellas County, FL
Addictions and Family Abuse 
Judy Sheps Battle M.A./Penny B. Page MLS
Rugers University/The New Jersey Alcohol/Drug Resource Center and Clearing House, New Jersey
Beyond the Code: Ethics and the Helping Professional (8 hrs.)
Donna De Angelis LCSW, Dale J. Atkinson Family Service Centers/ St. Petersburg College
Clearwater, FL
Advanced Relapse (2.5 hrs)
Parental Awareness & Responsibility - Largo, FL
Confidentiality (2.5 hrs.)
Parental Awareness & Responsibility - Largo, FL
Chemical Dependency (5 hrs.)
Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association Inc.
State of Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services
Early Childhood Development
Sensory Processing Making Connections (4 hrs.)
Laura Barker, M.A., OTR/L
Redirecting Children's Behavior -Youth & Family Therapeutic Services - Dunedin, Florida (10 hrs.)
The Impact of Early Experiences on Brain Development (2hrs.)
Donna Shreve, Nova Southeastern University
Montessori Teacher Training - Fall Regional Seminar -Tampa, Florida
Transdisciplinary Play- Based Assessment - Toni W. Linder Ed. D. (7 hrs.)
Developmental In-Service Training - (4 hrs.)
Nancy Mc Donald MS-NDTA-Pediatric Speech Pathologist - Language & Motor Development
Pat Robins M.S. Special Educator - Social Emotional Development
Ellen Gannon MS Psychologist - Cognitive Development
The Impact of Language Impairments on Peer Relations In Children
Effective Early Childhood Practices
BOCES Special Education and Resource Center - Liberty, N.Y.

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