
Monday, February 25, 2019

Today I'd like to share that sometimes Mindfulness in the moment is only possible when we have the courage to engage in deep listening to the longings of our soul or spirit and to courageously let go of activities that cause us stress or strain. I have recently fallen "again" on the left knee I just had treated with a PRP injection. Granted I was still 1/2 asleep when it happened, my "bladder challenged" older cat was calling to go out; when I fell off of my hip high canopy bed directly onto my knees, attempting to assure he "got out" in time! I have asked myself repeatedly...what is UP Metaphysically with this KNEE Business. There are a variety of answers coming in from my metaphysical and self actualizer friends... locally well known spiritual healer says..left knee for me; moving forward, yesterday I heard left knee represents higher self, another person said there was a lot of energy around the knee, and had I conversed with it to find out what it was experiencing, rather than offering any esoteric interpretation another friend into "Nature Wisdom" said u just need to be more MINDFUL. A few months ago I even had a past life regression to see if knee had been a problem in past lives.... just so happened it turned out that it had...(decent amount of relief after, but not cured). As a Virgo with lots of places for data and activity to locate in my multi faceted mind...the one thing I am sure that I truly need to protect my quiet time and how densely I schedule myself. Sometimes even with MINDFULNESS as a primary focus in my life....the COMPASSION aspect of AWARENESS falls prey to BUSINESS. This I think is particularly true of WOMEN: as we continue to carry most of the home & hearth responsibilities...sitting practice, time in nature or just hanging with friends is so easily edged out by: animal care, shopping, cooking, and cleaning even when our children are practically grown..the habits that shape the rhythms of our lives take time to re-pattern themselves. I for one am REALLY EXCITED and READY FOR: sticking to boundaries around time and space to deeply connect with my inner voice and the expression of the creativity it inspires! I am excited to be sharing this shift in my life with you... and if you have benefited from my posts, or received a reading or ThetaHealing session that you feel good about, please share my page, because the best of me is yet to come!